The BEST Evidence

The BEST Evidence

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

TOPIC 7: The Information age

1.- Would you like to study high school online ? yes, no, why?
No, I preferred study high school in presencial mode, because I see the explication of the teacher, and if I have a problem or a doubt it´s easier to solve in person

2.- How do you use internet? (For what purpose, time, importance, etc)
I use the internet  for my homeworks (2-3 hours per day), to play games (30 minutes per day), to use social pages (3-4 hours per day), check my grades, homeworks and notice of my asignatures (1-2hours per day)

3.- Do you recommend online shopping in Mexico? Yes, no, why? What would you do to improve it?
No, I don’t recommend online shopping in Mexico, because the security of internet in payment is not good. I would improve a best security in online shopping

4.- Imagine a world without internet. What would you be doing instead of using facebook, twitter, google, WhatsApp, etc? How would you communicate with your friends?
I would read more, sports, spend time with friends and family. Probably, I would communicate bye letter or a call phone

5.- Do you consider yourself addicted to any application of electronic device? Yes, no
Yes,  I consider addicted at application named “zombies vs. plants” because I think is too funny

6.- Do you buy music or download it? Go to the movies or download them? Which are the good
things of buying music and going to the movies?
Sometimes buy movies an another download it. Always i´m going to the movie theater. The good things of buying music and going to the movies are the create jobs, help the country economy and I don’t break the law.

TOPIC 8: Putting the mind to work

1.- Mention 10 jobs that you consider most creative:Designer

Industrial designer
Interior Designer

2.- Mention the 10 most creative movies you have ever seen:
Jack and the hunting giant

Wreck it-Ralph
Iron Man

3.- Can you think of at least 5 inventions that have influenced your life the most.

Touch cellphone

4.- Do you think creativity is something you are born with or something you can develop?
I think some are born creative and anothers can develop it.

5.- Can you mention one creative solution to learn new languages?
Listen music

6.- In Mexico an ordinary person reads 2 books per year. Do you think this has an influence in the creativity of the Mexican population? Yes, no, why.
Yes, I think when you read fewer you have a poor creativity

7.- In Mexico an ordinary person usually watches 4 hours or TV daily. Does this have an
influence on the people’s creativity? Yes, no, why?
Yes, I think if you watch a lot of TV, you have a poor creativity

TOPIC 9: Generally speaking

1.- How would you describe the culture of your hometown to a foreign person? (Music,
food, behavior, costumes, etc)
I describe the culture of monterrey like traditionally modern culture, because have the traditional folklore with a gruper music, with the traditional cabrito, chilaquiles and machacado; with places like la Huasteca, La Macroplaza y Fundidora but in another site you can enjoy a modern city with a lot of concerts of international music, modern universities like ITESM, UDEM, UANL and a lot of varietly of transportation options

2.- What would you say are the main differences between the Mexican and American people?




3.- What`s the thing you like the most form the culture of your hometown?
I like the music and the food

4.- Describe a typical pet in your hometown?
The typical pet in my hometown are the dogs

5.- From 1 to 10 (1 the lowest and 10 the highest ) How would you describe the freedom and
position of women in Mexico? Do they have the same opportunities as men? Same
respect as men? Explain:
I think that the freedom and position of women in Mexico is like 7. Sometimes the opportunities are not the same because some people think the women could be stay in home. I think the respect is the same for both

6.- What kind of problem solver are you, assertive, meditative or cooperative? Explain
I think I am an assertive solver because when they´re faced with a problem, they inmediatly try to work out a solution

7.- What would you recommend to a foreign person to do to prevent being robbed or kidnapped
in Mexico?

Don´t visit dangerous places and don´t trust in strangers